Zoll AED plus is an Automated External Defibrillator that guides you step-by-step and coaches rescuers to better CPR. It is designed with the following specifications.
CPR Bar Gauge - Shows feedback on CPR compression depth and rate, prompting rescuer to push harder or letting them know compressions are good.
Voice and Text Prompts - Guide rescuers to guidelines compliant with CPR compression depth.
Adaptive Metronome - Audible sound to help guide rescuers through consistent and compliant CPR rate.
Rescue Graphics - Large icons for visual guidance on step-by-step rescue process. Can be particularly helpful in noisy or multi-lingual environments.
One-Piece Electrode Pads - Help ensure proper placement on patient and feature peel-in-place design to minimize mishandling. CPR landmark supports proper hand placement to administer CPR.
Smart Design - Eye-catching vivid green outer casing helps cue rescuers to its location. Lid can be propped under patient's head to help keep the airway open while emergency procedures are underway.Comes with new pads and battery.